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Windows server 2012 essentials activation key freeWindows server 2012 essentials activation key free
Windows server 2012 essentials activation key free Engine provides public images with Windows Server that you can use to create instances. For more general information about Windows Server instances and Windows applications that you can run on Compute Engine, see Windows on Compute Engine. Windows Server images are premium images, and using them results in additional charges.
To create an instance with Windows Server, specify the image family for the specific version of Windows that you need. For a list of the available image families, see public images. If you plan on using Microsoft Active Directory AD with your new instance, make sure the instance name is no longer than 15 characters, to meet the stated maximum name length restrictions of the system.
As a result, you might encounter the following error when trying to sign in as a domain user: The Security Database on the Server windows server 2012 essentials activation key free not have a Computer Account for this Workstation Trust Relationship.
This section describes how to create a Windows Server instance that has an external IP address. Your VPC network must be configured to allow access to microsoft office 2010 free. Go to Create an instance.
To create a Shielded VM Windows instance, do the following:. Optionally, to change the VM's Shielded VM settings, expand the the Networking, disks, security, management, sole tenancy section.
Then, do the following:. If you want to turn off integrity monitoring, clear the Turn windows server 2012 essentials activation key free Integrity Monitoring checkbox. For more information, see Integrity monitoring. Use the compute images list command to see a list of available Windows Server images:. Use the compute instances create command to create a new instance and specify ридер cyberlink powerdirector 9 free for pc статья! image family for one of the Windows Server public images.
If you chose an image that supports Shielded VM, you can optionally change the instance's Shielded VM settings using one of the following flags:. Integrity monitoring lets you monitor the boot integrity of your Shielded VM instances using Cloud Monitoring.
To create an instance with the API, include the initializeParams property in your instance creation request and specify a Windows image. For example, your request body might windows server 2012 essentials activation key free like the following:.
If you chose an image that supports Shielded VMyou can optionally change the instance's Shielded VM settings by using the following boolean request body items:. Integrity monitoring lets you monitor and verify the runtime boot integrity of your Activatioj VM instances using Cloud Monitoring reports. For more information about creating activvation instance, read the instances.
Before you can create a Windows Server instance that has only an internal IP address, you must verify or configure routes and firewall rules in your VPC network to allow access to kms. When you create a new instance by using the gcloud CLI, you can use the --no-address flag to ensure that it is not assigned an external IP address:.
Because this instance does not have actjvation external IP address, you cannot connect to it directly over the Internet. For Windows activation and renewal, your VPC network must meet the following routing and firewall rule requirements. Your Windows instances must be able to reach kms. You can use the default route in your VPC network to route traffic directly to kms. If you remove this route, or if you plan to do so in the future, create a custom static route with destination Either the default route or a custom static route as described above will permit instances with external IP addresses to reach kms.
That IP address, The implied allow egress firewall rule allows instances to make requests and receive established responses. Unless you have created custom firewall rules that deny egress, your Windows instances can communicate with kms. If you customize firewall rules, it's a good practice to create a high priority egress allow rule that explicitly permits communication with This way, as you modify your firewall rules, you won't accidentally disable Windows server 2012 essentials activation key free activation.
The following windows server 2012 essentials activation key free examples creates the recommended allow egress rule with the highest priority:. Windows instances experience a longer startup time because of the sysprep process. The console might show that the instance is running even if the sysprep process is not yet complete.
To check if your instance has successfully started and is ready to be used, check the serial port output acctivation the following command:. If you have Windows instances windows server 2012 essentials activation key free image versions v and later or with agent version 4.
The config file is in INI format, and is located at the following path:. The system overrides configuration settings in the following order of priority from the highest priority to the lowest priority:. For example, if you can enable the accountManager feature in a config file, your instance ignores parameters that you set in custom metadata to disable that feature. One benefit of setting these parameters in the config file is that those settings persist when you create a custom image for a Windows Server instance.
Instance-level custom metadata does not persist beyond the life of the windows server 2012 essentials activation key free. Seerver the account manager also disables derver passwords with the Google Cloud CLI or the console:. In custom metadata, set disable-account-manager to true in metadata.
In custom metadata, set disable-address-manager to windows server 2012 essentials activation key free in metadata. In custom metadata, set enable-wsfc to true in metadata. Specify the IP address of the internal load balancing instance for failover clustering. This is an advanced configuration that you don't на этой странице to set for a dedicated failover cluster.
Normally you use an instance of internal load balancing to direct network traffic to one VM kwy at a time. If you add a second instance of internal load balancing that uses the failover clustering VM instances as part of a load-balanced website sdrver, you would have two internal load balancing IP addresses.
If failover clustering uses This адрес страницы which address is in use for the cluster. In custom metadata, set wsfc-addrs to a Set the failover clustering agent port. The default port is You need to specify a port only when you want to use a different port:. In custom metadata, set wsfc-agent-port to the port number.
Older images do not use a config file and only have a subset of features. Image versions between version v and version vor Windows agent version between 3. Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.
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